In turn, the priest Héctor Luna (IVE) is removed for serious immoral conduct.
Fr. Héctor Luna (IVE)
On July 19, 2024, the parishioners witnessed the sudden disappearance of parochial vicar Father Héctor Luna (IVE), who left abruptly and without making a sound. However, what the parishioners did not know was that Father Luna should immediately take refuge in a monastery or another distant place.
The reason for his flight was a letter he had received from the Institute for the Doctrine of the Faith, in which he was forbidden to have contact with lay people, administer the sacraments and warned that his situation exposed him to excommunication from the Catholic Church and reduced to the lay state.
Why did the Church act so harshly? What did this priest do? Why did his parish priest, Fr. José Luis Lochedino, and his superiors allow him to cause so much damage?
In 2010, the Archdiocese of Granada entrusted the Institute of the Incarnate Word with the care of the “Santo Ángel Custodio” Parish in the Zaidín neighborhood, Granada, Spain. The hope was that his presence would spiritually enrich the community, but it seems that it only served to enrich the Institute of the Incarnate Word and the SSVM financially.
Since 2013, Father Héctor Luna, IVE assumed the position of parochial vicar of this parish (he arrived from Ecuador, where he had already had some problems). Although he was noted for his activism and apostolate, he also showed a tendency to manipulate people to get what he wanted. His obsession with the devil and the dark led him to perform alleged exorcisms and prayers of liberation without permission from the diocese, according to the latter.
Through these practices, he contacted vulnerable victims, whom he had to “cleanse spiritually” and, according to testimonies, also physically. It has been discovered that he engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior with some of them, even exchanging photos of high sexual content while they were in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. He even confessed to his own victims after having had relations with them.
The local Church took action on this and denounced everything to Rome, which is acting. In addition, the Diocese opened an investigation into this parish due to complaints of various kinds, such as:
- Mishandling of money: The Institute of the Incarnate Word has adopted the habit of asking for money for everything, beyond the salaries they receive from the diocese. As the money is sent to the congregation in Rome, everything that the religious need for their daily lives, such as food and clothing, must be donated. Both they and the SSVM, which also have convents of apostolic and contemplative life in these areas, are accustomed to constantly asking the community. The nuns ask for everything from beers and party favors for private parties to money for frequent trips, with the excuse that they belong to a very poor congregation.
- Breach of trust: Fr. Héctor Luna collected large sums of money and received donations of apartments and thousands of euros, which the congregation accepted despite knowing that the priest was facing problems that made them doubt his psychological state. Granada was a good source of income for the IVE, and therefore everything seemed to be allowed.

The parish priest, Father José Luis Lochedino, IVE, collected money to change their vehicles, while asking people to collaborate with food. There were days when they said that the nuns did not have enough to eat, but on birthdays they gave smart watches and other luxury objects. These inconsistencies increased suspicions.

- Manipulation: Since his arrival, the IVE has been in charge of indoctrinating parishioners with biased information that is far from reality. For years, they exalted the holiness and goodness of their founder, Fr. Carlos Miguel Buela, despite the fact that there were allegations of sexual abuse against him.
The IVE presented itself as the savior of a progressive and corrupt church. Their strategy was to expand constantly, trying to gain control of schools and other works of the diocese. According to them, the only way to avoid the closure of these institutions was to found new convents everywhere, so that the bishops, in the absence of vocations, would support them and put pressure on the Vatican not to close the congregation.
Complicit and corrupt superiors

Father José Vicchi, provincial superior of these communities for years, not only knew about the situation, since the laity told him about it, but also has serious suspicions of manipulation of vocations and unseemly treatment of women. Currently, he replaces Father Héctor Luna.
“His treatment is arrogant, alluding to the fact that he comes from a family where there are three brothers (two priests and a nun), and that his older brother governed the IVE from the top, which makes him untouchable and arrogant in the eyes of other religious,” commented a witness from the community.
Current situation
Today, the community of Granada faces a divided parish. A parish priest forbids parishioners to ask or talk about Fr. Héctor Luna, without having asked for forgiveness or explained the truth. At the same time, he defends his congregation and its founder, claiming that any action taken by Rome is due to a “progressive church” that persecutes them.
Many victims of different abuses (economic, conscience, sexual, vocational, etc.) are coming to the diocese to give their testimony, trusting that the Church that Christ preached will take action in this regard.
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