50% of the priests of the IVE left the Congregation

In the latest decree sent to the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) by the Dicastery for Consecrated Life, a shocking fact is mentioned: since its inception, the IVE has lost almost 40% of its priests. However, after an exhaustive collection of data, an even more alarming reality emerges: the real percentage of abandonment amounts to 50%, a figure that has been increasing in recent years.

Of the 265 priests ordained since the foundation of the institute until 2003, only 123 currently remain in the IVE. Of the rest, 139 have dropped out of high school. Of these, 73 left the priestly ministry completely, while 65 continue to exercise their vocation outside the IVE.

A deeper analysis

Among the 123 priests who remain inside the institute, a worrying situation is observed. Some face psychiatric treatment or alcoholism-related problems. Others are housed in monasteries or self-help homes due to serious moral problems. In addition, there are cases of allegations of abuse and situations in which the institute has assumed the maintenance of legitimate children born in hiding.

On the other hand, there is a small group of priests sincerely dedicated to the mission, who, despite their dedication, face great challenges. These missionaries work virtually alone, with loads of continuous stress due to the demands of their work. Many of them suffer from illnesses related to these conditions or take refuge in the narrative of “resisting the progressivism of the Church,” as they are instructed, without complaining or sharing their difficulties for fear of being considered “bad spirit” or as opponents of the charism of the institute.

For the interested reader: detailed statistics

For readers interested in corroborating this data, we offer a statistical breakdown by each year of ordinations and the current status of priests related to IVE. This information will be published soon in order to provide greater clarity on this problem and to encourage a critical analysis of the situation.

In order not to extend ourselves into endless lists, we avoid detailing the specific cases of those members who, despite maintaining judicial or ecclesiastical complaints, still remain in the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE). However, this reality is undeniable and generates deep concern.

The case of SSVM: a silent phenomenon

Even more worrying is the situation of the Servants of the Lord and of the Virgin of Matará (SSVM), who have experienced an even higher rate of abandonment. Due to the absence of direct ecclesiastical control in the dioceses where they operate, these cases go unnoticed. Many religious return home after 20 or 30 years of consecrated life, while young vocations who enter are also unable to persevere over time. After 35 years of its foundation, the institute has few older sisters, a fact that reflects the difficulties in vocational stability.

A call for reflection

The Church has shown remarkable patience in the face of this situation, allowing vocations, entrusted by God to the institute, to be seriously affected. While the IVE laments the closure of its novitiates, it seems to ignore the impact of the human and spiritual losses that have occurred during its history, as well as the state in which many of these people have left the institute.


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