What we hoped was going to happen is happening. The IVE and the SSVM continue to speak of “persecution”, etc. We would like to suggest a letter to be sent quickly to the members to avoid closure in two or three years’ time.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Along with Fathers Gonzalo Ruiz, Diego Pombo, Ricardo Clarey, Gabriel Zapata
Elvio Fontana, Miguel Fuentes, Jorge Montagna, Alberto Barattero, Daniel Cima and Carlos Walker, we address all of you in a fraternal spirit.
We are at a time of special importance for our beloved Religious Family. The recent decision of the Holy See to appoint Apostolic Delegates for the Institute of the Incarnate Word and the Servants of the Lord and of Our Lady of Matará challenges us all to a profound examination of conscience and spiritual renewal.
As children of the Church, we are called to welcome these decisions with faith and humility, trusting that the Lord, in his infinite wisdom, leads our history towards a greater good. In the face of this situation, I feel in my heart the strong desire to invite you to a day of penance and metanoia in all our provinces. We see in this punishment of the Holy See the ultimatum to convert us from our sin and to adhere from our hearts to the heart of the Church.
The day of penance will take place next Friday, uniting us in prayer and sacrifice in each of our communities. During this day, with the other members of this caste with whom we have been conspiring together with the late Father Buela, of dear memory, we invite you to:
- To celebrate the Eucharist with special intention for the unity and fidelity of our Religious Family.
- Participate in a Holy Hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, asking the Lord for light and strength.
- Fasting
- Abstaining from alcoholic beverages during the “Beato Pro” (I suggest substitution for chamomile tea)
- Refrain from gossiping (“fragote”) in email and social networks
For 30 years, since the first commissariat, we have resisted the Holy Spirit, we have murmured against the Vatican, and we have been arrogant, believing ourselves superior to the rest of the Church. This is the time to acknowledge our faults and open our hearts to God’s transforming grace.
Despite professing verbal obedience to the Pope and the Church, in our actions we have always used our “creole liveliness” to do the opposite behind the scenes.
We must humbly accept that Carlos Buela has been a great sinner. And at the same time we must press forward with the charism that God has entrusted to us, redoubling our efforts to live it with authenticity and holiness.
In the spirit of this holy Jubilee of Hope, we ask forgiveness from the hundreds of victims of our pride, especially men and women religious, whom we have vilified, slandered, soiled, humiliated. In the spirit of the Jubilee, we extend our hand to you and we want to invite you to come to us to obtain reparation in justice.
Brothers and sisters, the world needs our witness of love and faithfulness.
May this day of penance be a seed of spiritual renewal and greater unity in our mission.
Let us trust that, through this journey of conversion, the Lord will pour out abundant blessings upon our Religious Family.
It’s time to wake up. I want to paraphrase our founder: “Revive, dear ones.”
With our constant prayer and blessing, we entrust ourselves to your prayers.
In Christ and Mary,
RP. Gustavo Nieto, IVE
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